Community Profile: Spokeland
By Kyle Smith
Spokeland began in 2011 as a group of likeminded cyclists in Oakland hosting workshops to fix, build, and work on bicycles. Without a permanent home, Spokeland members would meet in communal spaces to share knowledge and tools.
Program Director Binky Brown was a volunteer in the nascent days of Spokeland, seeing the organization’s limitations and its potential. Spokeland had energy and enthusiasm for bikes but was not a welcoming place for new riders. In a space that was overwhelmingly young, white, and male, Brown realized that for Spokeland to truly serve the people of Oakland, it needed to reflect the people of Oakland.
Spokeland serves as a community bike shop and DIY workspace.
Since 2014, Spokeland has inhabited a BART-accessible shop at 818 37th Street in Oakland. It operates with the mission to “connect people to bicycle knowledge with an emphasis on community” and “increase the representation of diverse bike riders with mechanical knowledge.” Spokeland serves as a community bike shop and DIY workspace, while training a new generation of riders in bike mechanics.
Bike shops can be an intimidating place for those new to riding, but Spokeland operates with the principle that there is no such thing as a stupid question, only an opportunity to learn. “Our goal is that the people in Spokeland are as representative and diverse as the people of Oakland,” said Brown. “We want someone with any type of body to be able to walk in and see themselves reflected.” By making the organization reflective of the community, Spokeland promotes equitable access to education and mobility through bikes.
For those looking to get a bike, Spokeland offers shopping by appointment, providing an informative and individualized bike-buying experience. The shop’s inventory comes from donated bikes that are tuned and serviced by volunteer mechanics. For those looking to learn about bike mechanics, the Mechanic Mentor Program offers a six-month, hands-on training program that moves at each mentee’s pace.
Visit to donate, volunteer, or apply for the Mechanic Mentor Program.