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2009BlogNewsNews & Announcements

After Velonews, The Road Ahead

By February 5, 2009October 18th, 20213 Comments


As I noted in my most recent Legally Speaking column, I first became acquainted with VeloNews as a young, aspiring racer. I still remember the excitement of seeing my name in the results section a few years later. Over the years, I occasionally submitted articles, such as a a race journal, or cold-weather riding tips. A few years after graduating from law school, I approached then-online editor Charles Pelkey about writing a bicycle law column for VeloNews. He agreed, and Legally Speaking was born. Over the years, the column has grown from an occasional legal column into a regular vehicle for advancing the cause of cyclists’ rights. The column would not be the success it is without the contributions and interest of an incredibly committed readership. Following on the success of the column, Charles suggested that I write a book on bicycle law, and with Rick Bernardi’s help and the guidance of VeloPress, Bicycling & the Law became a reality–the first book for cyclists on their rights and responsibilities since the publication of The Rights and Liabilities of Wheelmen in 1895.

Thus, it is with mixed feelings that I announced in today’s column it will be my final Legally Speaking column for VeloNews. I am confident that the coverage of important legal issues that face all cyclists will continue at VeloNews in some form.

I will continue to be an active voice for the rights of cyclists. Beginning in February, I will be carrying the fight for cyclists’ rights to my new column at Bicycling magazine; my first print column will appear in the May issue of Bicycling. In addition to my print column at Bicycling, I will continue to post on the subject of bicycle law and advocacy online at, as well as on my blog; I will continue posting on bicycle culture on

You have my sincere thanks for your incredible support of my column in the past; I invite you to join me as I continue to advocate for cyclists’ rights on the road ahead.


Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Avatar Rich Wilson says:

    As much as I love ‘Legally Speaking’- I think you sometimes get lost in the race news. I think ‘Bicycling’ will be a more appropriate venue to reach the masses. I suspect that a lot of the ‘Bicycling’ target audience hasn’t considered a lot of the issues and points of view you often raise.

    There’s miles to go before you sleep 🙂

  • Avatar Jim Lyle says:

    I’m going to confess that your columns have been the first items I’ve looked for when going to the VeloNews website!

    Congrats on the new position at Bicycling!

  • Avatar Khal Spencer says:

    As a longtime cyclist who is also our county transportation advisory board chair and active in traffic safety, Bob’s columns are always must-reads. I thank him for his work, am sorry to see him leave VN, but will follow his writing where ever he chooses to arrange those pixels. I hope that Bicycling gives him as much bandwidth as he needs to get the message out.